Fraidycat 1.1.9 – Thankyou Andrew Anderson
This release is all you - I abdicate. Fraidycat users submitted a variety of fixes on Github - including an important fix to syncing from @andrew-wja.
Was so happy to get this message in early April:
Hi, I had a bit of spare time this week so I had a look at the code, and I think I see the problem here […]
I also got some repairs filed from rafapaezbas and from rosano aaaaaand from j-james. WOWOWOWWO!
I’m hugely occupied with Multiverse, so I’m very glad for the help from all the little tappy fingers out there. (And thankyou to everyone who has joined THE OUTER WEB and brought such juicy discussions with them.)
Okay - this release is out right now for Firefox. Chrome (and Brave, etc) should update in a few days. Peace.

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